
...Breaking News: 2020-05-03: release 1.12 is out with 25 games fixed, 4 added, 10 improved and a more robust engine versus corrupted data

What is it?

hi2txt is a utility to convert mame high scores files (hi/nvram) into text files, for easy integration into Arcade cabinet front-end, leaderboard shared among friends, etc.
It is heavily inspired from hitotext utility wrote years ago by Fyrecrypts: huge thanks to him and all related contributors!
If you appreciate the tool, all possible help to support more games and suggest new features, is warmly welcome, or at least a little thank you (contact: hi2txt at free.fr) !

[Documentation] [What's new for the engine and the games]

Where can I get it?

Java version, requiring Java 7+: [Download hi2txt@1.12@20200502-Java.7z (1,4 MB)]

C# version, requiring .NET framework 4.5+: [Download hi2txt@1.12@20200502-CSharp.7z (1,4 MB)]


How many games are supported?

Statistics on supported games: full statistics details

Quick Installation Guide for C# version

Quick Installation Guide for C# version and HyperSpin

Quick Installation Guide for C# version and GameEx

Quick Installation Guide for C# version and LaunchBox

How can I contribute?

If you appreciate the tool, all possible help to support more games and suggest new features, is warmly welcome, or at least a little thank you!

Contact: hi2txt at free.fr
Follow @hi2txt

GitHub repository to contribute to individual XML games descriptions: https://github.com/GreatStoneEx/hi2txt-xml

Discussion forums:
