Engine improvement(s)
+ add a 'corrupted data' detection mechanism to avoid displaying them
2020-05-02 engine: improve 'corrupted data' detection mechanism error message to display the faulty value
2020-04-28 engine: add a 'corrupted data' detection mechanism to avoid displaying them
Engine improvements
+ add new instruction 'nibble-trim' to decode score
+ allow xml file without any structure
+ check "divide by 0" xml instruction
2020-03-13 engine: add new instruction 'nibble-trim' to decode score
2020-03-13 engine: allow xml file without any structure nor output to mark a game as "supported because there is no score inside"
2019-09-01 engine: add 'byte-trunc' instruction to decode an element.
It will trunc this element and all bytes after it.
Ex: "xmultipl" game can save a name shorter than the previous one, but ending the new one with "0x00" without erasing the following bytes.
data: 42 4F 42 00 48 41 4e 00 00 00
decoded by: <elt size="9" type="text" id="NAME" byte-trunc="0x00"/>
will read: BOB
instead of: BOBHAN
Thanks to contributor T. Busse for this finding!
2019-08-31 engine: improvement allowing structure file name to match end of hiscore filename, instead of just its extension
2018-11-29 engine: fix wrong check if file size is specified but not hiscore.dat location
2018-11-29 utility: new command implementation trial to automatically discover xml description
2018-10-23 engine: improvement to detect hi file also when nvram file is provided as input
2018-10-16 engine: minor fix to avoid a crash if charset:char@src value has a length < 2
2018-10-14 engine: minor fix to avoid a crash if too many data than available are specified in the xml
2017-01-22 tip: for windows, to display unicode characters in the command prompt: >chcp 65001 + use NSimSun font in console properties
2017-01-10 engine: support new hiscore.dat syntax ('_' and ':' in cputag, optional prefill, softwarename)
hi2txt general improvements + imp: now compatible with mame 0.172 containing native lua script for hiscore saving, which is providing a new specific hiscore.dat file format + imp: add 'sort-format' attribute to 'output table' to apply specific modification allowing the expected sorting (used in kof2001) + fix: output table sort attribute is now applying decimal, then string conversion on column values, instead of crashing if values cannot be converted into numbers (used in kof2001) + imp: format operation 'sum' can now sum all values of a column (used in kof2001)
2016-03-25 engine: support hiscore.lua by borgar@borgar.net
2015-12-09 engine: add experimental JavaScript support for all 'format' attributes (for the fun, mostly)
2015-12-07 engine: add 'sort-format' attribute to 'output table' to apply specific modification allowing the expected sorting
ex: kof2001.xml
... sort-format="TrimR%"
2015-12-06 engine: output table sort attribute is now applying decimal, then string conversion on column values, instead of crashing if values cannot be converted into numbers.
2015-12-05 engine: format operation 'sum' can now sum all values of a column
ex: kof2001.xml
<sum><column id="WIN CHARACTER"/></sum>
2015-11-25 engine: output table now accepts 'display' attribute
2015-11-25 engine: divide operation is now using a scale factor to avoid "non-terminating decimal expansion" error
2015-11-25 engine: operations can now use a unique field value to work on all values of a table column (ex: kof97)
2015-11-25 engine: nvram file is now supported as argument of hi2txt
.../nvram/kof96/saveram <= new!
kof96 (if related working directory is used)
2015-11-21 engine: display table columns and values even if all columns are using "format" attribute to build their values
2015-11-18 engine: display table columns and values even if all columns are using "src" attribute to build their values
2015-11-04 engine: add -xml parameter allowing to display extracted data in XML format, targeting easier front-end integration like GameEx
2015-10-03 engine: improve decoding speed (564 testcases done in 1mn30s instead of 10mn)
2015-10-03 engine: now compatible with HyperSpin
-l parameter can work without using -hiscoredat parameter
-r parameter displays output readable by HyperSpin (all lines displayed in one call)
do not forget to rename hi2txt.exe into HiToText.exe as HyperSpin doesn't understand currently this new name
2015-09-12 engine: there are now 2 versions of hi2txt => Java and C#!
2015-09-12 engine: minor modifications to ease the C# version
2015-09-10 engine: support a hi2txt.zip file to store all XML descriptions
2015-09-10 engine: support a game hiscores file if at least one member of the same hiscore.dat family is already supported
it avoids to explicitely create the related 'sameas' xml file, i.e. automatic clones support
2015-05-11 engine: do not display output field if the related value is not found or empty
2015-05-09 engine: 'structure' object, describing how to extract the data, can be bow linked to a specific 'output' object, dscribing how to display the extracted data
for 'fixeight' game , the improved structure needs a new output, and this feature allows to keep retro-compatibility with older version of hiscore.dat
<structure output="o1">...</structure>
<structure output="o2">...</structure>
<output id="o1">...</output>
<output id="o2">...</output>
2015-01-01 engine: field are now always taking into account the attribute 'display' to be displayed or not
2014-10-13 engine: allow output customization and filtering
Split SCORE by group of integers, to easily identify very big score + -score-grouping "yes|no" (default: no) + -score-grouping-separator "<string>
" (default: ".") + -score-grouping-size <integer>
(default: 3)
``` example: SCORE|NAME 10000000|CAP 9000000|COM
-score-grouping yes SCORE|NAME 10.000.000|CAP 9.000.000|COM
-score-grouping yes -score-grouping-separator "," SCORE|NAME 10,000,000|CAP 9,000,000|COM
-score-grouping yes -score-grouping-separator "," -score-grouping-size 2 SCORE|NAME 10,00,00,00|CAP 9,00,00,00|COM
Filter lines to keep only lines having a specific column value, allowing for example to keep only your own score
+ -keep-field "`<field_name>`" (this arg can be repeated to declare multiple values)
+ -keep-table-value "`<Field>:<value>`" (this arg can be repeated to declare multiple values)
+ -keep-first-score "`<yes|no>`" (force to keep first line, even if not in the scope of -keep-table-value)
+ -keep-first-table "`<yes|no>`" (display only the 1st table)
+ -max-lines `<integer>` (display only `<integer>` lines in a table)
+ -max-columns `<integer>` (display only `<integer>` columns in a table)
example: SCORE|NAME 10000000|CAP 9000000|COM 8000000|CAP
-keep-table-value "NAME:COM" SCORE|NAME 9000000|COM
-keep-table-value "NAME:COM" -keep-first-score SCORE|NAME 10000000|CAP 9000000|COM
Filter columns to hide one (this arg can be repeated to declare multiple values)
+ -hide-field "`<field_name>`"
example: SCORE|NAME 10000000|CAP 9000000|COM 8000000|CAP
-hide-field "NAME" SCORE 10000000 9000000 8000000
``` 2014-10-08 engine: fix CS_NUMBER charset usage, now usable without any other charset defined
2014-10-05 engine: display Unicode characters correctly on output console
2014-10-04 engine: add format/trunc implicit format
<column ... format="Trunc">
or <column ... format="T">
2014-09-17 engine: add format/loopindex operation, which is setting the input data value to the loop index, if inside a loop, but after table_index usage
this operation bypass any other operation set before or after itself <format><loopindex/></format>
with a related implicit format:<column ... format="LoopIndex">
see inthunt.xml: structure/POINTER
2014-09-17 engine: when not displaying an output field (display="extra|debug"), it can still be used to sort the output table or other operations
see inthunt.xml: output/table@sort, output/table/POINTER
2014-09-16 engine: improve decoding of truncated data
2014-09-13 engine: do not display output/table header if all lines are not displayed
it allows to better support a clone for which all data (versus its parent) are not extracted
see cosmccop.xml with 'gallop' game
2014-09-13 engine: allow empty value for output/table@line-ignore, matching either empty or null table value
it allows to ignore lines referencing a non-existing table column (meaning related value is null)
2014-09-13 engine: fix format/pad to not crash with unknown column/field
2014-09-13 engine: fix output/column to select data from @src first (if it exists), then @id
it allows to support 2 columns with the same id in two different output tables, one related to the input data of the same id, the other using @src
see cosmccop.xml
2014-09-11 engine: add format/capitalize to put the 1st character of a string in uppercase
with a related implicit format:
<column ... format="Capitalize">
2014-09-11 engine: add format/lowercase format
<column ... format="LC"> or <column ... format="LowerCase">
2014-09-11 engine: add format/uppercase implicit format
<column ... format="UC"> or <column ... format="UpperCase">
2014-09-11 engine: modify format/uppercase to put all the string in uppercase, not only the 1st letter
2014-09-11 engine: add format/prefix implicit format
<column ... format="Prefix<string>">
ex: <column ... format="PrefixSTG">
=> add prefix 'STG'
2014-09-11 engine: add format/suffix implicit format
<column ... format="Suffix<string>">
ex: <column ... format="Suffix%">
=> add suffix '%'
see 1944.xml
2014-09-11 engine: add format/pad implicit format
<column ... format="Pad<pad_direction:L|R><trim_char>">
ex: <column ... format="PadL20">
=> pad left, max = 2, using '0'
ex: <column ... format="PadR4 ">
=> pad right, max = 4, using ' '
see uopoko.xml
2014-09-11 engine: add format/trim implicit format
<column ... format="Trim<trim_direction:L|R><trim_char>">
ex: <column ... format="Trim0">
=> trim '0' on both sides
ex: <column ... format="TrimL0">
=> trim left '0'
ex: <column ... format="TrimR ">
=> trim right ' '
see airass.xml
2014-09-11 engine: add a new possible direction 'both' for format/trim, allowing to trim left and right
2014-09-09 engine: add format/round operation, allowing to round a decimal value
round: 96.6666 R 97
related shortcut:
<column ... format="Round"/>
or <column ... format="R"/>
updated hi2txt.dtd
2014-09-09 engine: add format/divide_round operation, allowing to round the result instead of truncating it
divide: 5800 / 60 => 96.66666
divide_trunc: 5800 d 60 => 96
divide_round: 5800 D 60 => 97
related shortcut: <column ... format="D60"/>
updated hi2txt.dtd
see mushitam.xml format@id="time"
2014-08-31 add japanese hiragana into hitotxt.dtd
see guwange.xml
2014-08-31 add format/uppercase operation to put the first letter of a string in upper case
see guwange.xml
2014-08-31 charset/char@default is now working
2014-08-25 add loop@skip-last-bytes allowing to define a loop where x last bytes of the last iteration have been skipped
see ket.xml
2014-08-25 add loop@skip-first-bytes allowing to define a loop where x first bytes of the first iteration have been skipped
see ket.xml
2014-08-24 method to get application root modified because of Unix non-compliance optional -descr parameter is perhaps now really optional :) )
2014-08-24 protect format@divide from non-integer result and provide user-friendly error message
2014-08-22 add prefix@empty to define what is considered as empty to apply or not this prefix
add prefix@consume to define what to do in case of empty input: return input as-is (consume="no" => default) or do not return anything (consume="yes")
add suffix@empty, suffix@consume
see tgm2.xml format@id="medal_ac"
2014-08-22 add shift operation
also in possible using implicit format; ex: <column ... format=">2">
see tgm2.xml format@id="medal"
2014-08-22 format/case(s) ordering taken into account. multiple different case groups possible inside the same format
see tgm2.xml format@id="medal_ac"
2014-08-22 trim/concat/pad/prefix/replace/suffix operations return "" instead of null if input = ""
2014-08-22 operations contained in a format where input-as-subcolumns-input="yes" but without declaring themselves any colum/field ignore input-as-subcolumns-input and have the regular input
it allows to chain operations in the same format, operation n2 taking the result of operation n1, if operation n2 doesn't have an explicit column/field itself
see tgm2.xml format@id="medal"/trim
2014-08-21 add pre-defined charsets, to reduce custom charset definition
a pre-defined charset can be called from the elt@charset attribute, additionally to a custom charset
<elt ... charset="CS_XXX" ... >
<elt ... charset="CS_XXX;<custom_charset_id>" ... >
a call to a pre-defined charset can override the start offset and the delta to add to the current step between each char
<elt ... charset="CS_XXX[<offset>]" ... >
<elt ... charset="CS_XXX[<offset>,<delta>]" ... >
<elt ... charset="CS_XXX[<offset>,<delta>];<custom_charset_id>" ... >
the pre-defined charset 'CS_NUMBER' has been added
ex: sbomber.xml
<elt ... charset="CS_NUMBER[-14];sbomber" ... >
2014-08-04 add new 'txt' element for 'concat' format operation, allowing clearer notation to concatenate hard-coded text (see 'kingdmgp' game)
2014-08-04 improve possibility of format@formatter allowing '%[flags][width][.precision]conversion' instead of just '%conversion'
2014-08-04 fix format@formatter to catch formatting exception, improving error reporting
2014-08-03 charset/char@dst is now able to store a string instead of one character (see 'gigawing', 'fixeight' games)
2014-08-03 table@lines-max is now taking into account potential table@line-ignore (see 'bgareggabl' game)
2014-07-28 avoid a null pointer exception if a trim format is applied on a non-existing column occurences
2014-07-25 allow implicit format for elt@format and elt@table-index-format, remove code duplication to handle formats between elt and column/field
2014-07-23 when an output field is applied on an unknown input field, using a format/case, there is no more a null pointer exception
2014-07-19 add new byte-skip flavors to experimental finder utility
2014-07-19 add 4 new byte-skip flavors: 1000, 0100, 0010, 0001 (see 'espgal' example and doc)
2014-07-17 when format F1 uses format F2, F2 can be defined after or before F1 (only 'after' was allowed previously)
2014-07-15 add a new experimental utility allowing to find text or integers in a file, mainly combining all possibilities at all locations inside the file
java -jar hi2txt.jar find <file> <target>
ex: java -jar hi2txt.jar find ../mame/hi/espgal.hi "WKB"
number of trials can be reduced by forcing a specific value for a parameter
ex: java -jar hi2txt.jar find -ascii-step 4 ../mame/hi/espgal.hi "WKB"
it will be deeply explained in the doc when more mature :)
(not recorded)